Sonntag, 22. März 2015

Targeted killings

ganz normaler Mainstream in US Policy-Papers:

When containment fails, diplomacy is ineffective, and a full-scale war is
too costly, killing a regime leader is an option a state should seriously
consider. In a world in which states will amass WMD, unlawfully invade
their neighbors, and threaten other’s national and international security,
national security experts and policymakers may need to reexamine their
choices, including killing regime leaders, as a means of ensuring security.
Catherina Lotrionte, 'When to Target Leaders' in Alexander T J Lennon and Camille Eiss (eds), Reshaping Rogue States. Preemption, Regime Change, and U.S. Policy Toward Iran, Iraq, and North Korea (MIT Press 2003) 103, 116.

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